Insurance aspects of crossborder road traffic accidents

18 december 2019

Luk de Baere en Frits Blees
Claims handling of cross-border traffic accidents is a complex process. The rules governing the handling and settling of such accidents often requires indepth knowledge of a wide range of fields of expertise: the applicable law on liability and compensation, insurance law, the law of the European Union, private international law and – last but not least – the functioning of the various Agreements between national organisations of motor insurers such as the Green Card Bureaux, the national Guarantee Funds etc. This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the insurance aspects of cross-border road traffic accidents. It deals with various topics such as the Agreements in the framework of the Green Card system and of the protection of victims of accidents occurred in countries other than their country of residence, the rules governing the Guarantee Funds, the legislation of the European Union regarding Motor Third Party Liability insurance, the EU rules on jurisdiction as well as on applicable law. Practical examples clarify complex aspects. Detailed attention is paid to the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Eleven international publishing 2019, 410 p., € 45,-.
ISBN 978 94 6236 958 0